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Top 5 Critisicm on Pakistan Idol 2014

From the Blog pkhope Pakistan Idol is disappointing, angering, and annoying majority of the Pakistanis across the country. It is more of the source of disenchantment because the hopes were high, and the passions were running at an upbeat tone as this program was announced. The first dismay to the horror of Pakistanis started with the announcement of the judges and it still caries on. There are many things which are not right about this music reality show, but there are five of them which stand out like a sour thumb, and so much so that people are boycotting it and have started petitions about it. Even there are some people who are holding physical protests about it, and may go to the courts to have a legal action against the producers. Following are the top 5 No Nos about the program: 1. Thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3665977060947274409 Pakistani Blog Posts


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