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5. Superiority of Race & Hindus

From the Blog iabhopal Part-1, Mentality and Struggle, Part-2, Martin L King & Gandhi, Part-3, Gandhi won freedom peacefully ??? and Part-4, Gandhi & Uplift of Low Caste can be read by clicking on the topics The superiority of caste and race is deeply imbedded in the psyche of upper caste Hindus irrespective of their upbringing or the level of education or the place where they live. For example, in the words of a socialist leader, Madhu Limaye, "Nehru practiced both racism and casteism, despite his modern upbringing and outlook" (Telegraph, Calcutta, November 21, 1987). In a revealing passage about his "making", Nehru wrote, "Behind me lie somewhere in the sub-conscience, racial memories of hundred or whatever the numbers may be, generations of Brahmins. I cannot get rid of that past inheritance" (Jpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4899194249852538358 Pakistani Blog Posts


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