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How To Answer Interview Question - Can We Offer You A Career Path?

From the Blog yourcareerlionYour each job determines your next career move that is why I always suggest my clients that choose a job which will be beneficial for your career in long term. Some jobs do look good, having attractive compensation package but it may stuck you at your career path so, always avoid career mistakesand choose a job which have career development potential Here the questions is, how can you analyze the future of any job? but in actual job analysis is not so difficult, You do this analysis by different means. - From job advertisement - By gathering information about company - During interview. For best analysis you should use all three means but as far as my recommendation is, interview is the best source of judging any job's future. Most of people think only an interviewer cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I am a Muslim that Celebrates Christmas – And You Should Too

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace By Jibran Nasir for The Express Tribune [image: Muslim Christmas] *I plan to take my family out for dinner. I may call it a Christmas dinner and I don't think there is anything wrong in calling it that.* As Pakistanis, I think it is a great coincidence and blessing that today is also the birthday of our founder, Quaid-e-Azam, whose message wasn't far off from what Jesus Christ taught us. Not only is there a religious connotation but a national association to this day for us to be united as one, spread the love and share the blessings with those less privileged. Before anyone takes objection to the term "Jesus Christ" please note that there is also nothing unIslamic in calling him Jesus Christ as a Muslim. Here is a little page out of history that can help those confused about pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7480182985242285711 Pakistani Blog Posts


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