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How Beyoncé Changes Ordinary Lives

From the Blog writes2escape You guys know Beyoncé, right? AKA the 'unofficial' queen of the universe. She dropped an album right out of the blue and the universe suddenly exploded (To achieve this level of secrecy, she probably shackled her team to the dungeons or wherever and they haven't seen their families in months) Right now she has so much power that if you blinked while watching this GIF, you'd probably get pregnant. [image: QUEENQUEENQUEEN] QUEENQUEENQUEEN Anyway, now people around me make her references. *Friend: *So he [this guy who's high like 150% of the time] is like trying to clean up his act, get a job cetera. *Me [dead pan]:* Christmas Miracle! Oh My God. I can see the future and it is…NOT HAPPENING. *Friend:* No. He's really serious about it. See, have you heard 'Halo' by Beyopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Da Talibano Plaar

From the Blog pkhope If the terrorists in our tribal region fear anything, its the drones. So much so is the fear of this great technology among the terrorists, that the local tribal people call drones as 'Da Talibano Plaar', which translated to 'Father of Taliban' in English. This perfectly describes the validity, clout, impact, and utility of the drones. Jamat-e-Islami and PTI won't tell you this, but the fact is that the local population of tribal areas is very satisfied with the drone attacks, though they don't say that in public or to the media. The reality is that the drones have made Taliban terrorists neurotic and psychotic. They are now on constant run, and have gone crazy as they know that drone could hit them anywhere anytime, no matter where they are. Whenever a drone strikes, it is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7569150624174792158 Pakistani Blog Posts


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