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Sometimes thorn, sometimes like roses!

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 288186-bigthumbnail] *Sometimes thorn, sometimes like roses,* *Sometimes like moon, at times akin to Sun;* *Who ushers like a query always in my mind,* *It is deep-seated in my heart clearly defined;* *Which, descended like moon at close of night, * *Its like a spanking new book of my life upright;* *He's in sway too with changing of times and* *Keep Changing, like academic core curriculum;* *The one, who is talked on, all around me,* *That person is like a castle in the sky to me;* *Beauty and love are in one bond ever since,* *Query is beauty; love is the answer thence;* *Shields me if, from the earthly worlds——,* *I shall wrap him around me fully furled!* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Number of school going days for children in pakistan

From the Blog ppakistanIf we calculate the number of school going days for our children in pakistan, then it can be easily said that they are going to school for only 150 days in a complete year. Here are some calculations: In a year: 52 Sundays 52 Saturdays 44 Summer vacations (excluding saturday and sundays) 20 days gazetted holidays / year (Indepenedce, Eid, Ashura etc) 15 days semester breaks 12 days Winer vacations (excluding saturdays and sundays) Total Number of Off days: 195 days Total number of days in a year : 365 Total number of school going days: 170 days only pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 518581283321477110 Pakistani Blog Posts


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