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Being Sick

From the Blog sychhStage 1: OMG. I'm going to get a free vacation. I sure did need a break. Stage 2: Alright, this hurts too much. I wish I was back at work and not sick. Stage 3: Please. Make it stop. Make the pain stop. Kill me. Give me painkillers. I need to eat. No no. If I eat I'll throw up. Oh God help. Stage 4: These painkillers have made me drowsy. Why is there so much sadness in the world? What is the meaning of life? Why do humans kill and harm each other? No one cares about me. I need my friends. No. I don't need anyone. Oh God I wish I was dead. Stage 5: The only physical exercise I'm doing these days is turning around in my bed. Left. Right. Left again. No, right. I feel worthless. Please someone take me out. I wish I had something to keep myself busy. Why won't anyone take me out ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 360923154377916027 Pakistani Blog Posts


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