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Reply of GEO Propaganda by Mubashar Lucman Fan

From the Blog pkhope Mubashar Lucman, a prominent anchor in Pakistan and quite famous at the social media like Twitter and Facebook is at loggerheads with the leading channel GEO Television network. Mubashar Lucman works at the ARY ONE World, who are also competing against the GEO. Things are really fired up these days. These days the feud between the private TV channels in the Pakistan is raging high. Both sides are holding the press conferences in different forms, but the real fight is going on in the form of talk shows and then resulting in some better legal proceedings in the higher courts. Phones are being tapped and mud is being slung. [image: geo-propaganda] By Osama Qasim *By Osama Qasim* This article are the views of the author and TPS doesn't endorse or deny the views and other notipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4216320750670863700 Pakistani Blog Posts


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