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Women Should Be Banned from Driving in Pakistan Too

From the Blog pkhope Have you seen them driving? I have learned the hard way to not ever overtake a woman driver, never tail her vehicle even with permissible distance, and if I see any woman driver in my back mirror, I just break all speed records to get as far ahead as I can like a bat out of hell. I am sure that if you read the biography of the person who invented driving, he must have said somewhere that driving and our dear fair gender are two different things. When Saudis say that the driving of women can unravel the fabric of whole society, I cannot agree more with them. As soon as she leaves the house with the key, the whole family goes into prayer for her safety, for safety of the neighborhood and the of course well being of that little poor machine called as car. With no concept of carpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6287584472054899596 Pakistani Blog Posts


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