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How Washington Sees Nawaz Sharif Now

From the Blog pkhope They in the world capital have completed their homework about the man who has recently sworn in as the Prime Minister of world's most complex country Pakistan for the third time. They in the Capitol Hill and in the Capital are pleasantly surprised that this time they are about to deal with quite a different person. The person Nawaz Sharif during his last tenure was totally different as of now. Back then, Sharif was consumed with power, insecure from within the party and outside from the military, Benazir Bhutto, judiciary, media and foreign entities. Back then, Nawaz Sharif was impulsive, lacked the maturity, was angry at every one, didn't hear anyone, had little regard for foreign and domestic diplomatic demands, and was plain arrogant. This time, things have changed 360 depakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3324786370795603636 Pakistani Blog Posts


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