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Musharraf Did Right Thing in Lal Masjid

From the Blog pkhope We are a strange nation. Where we should be bestowing laurels on our heroes for accomplishing great things, we condemn them. I vividly remember those days of Lal Masjid issue broadcasted live by the TV channels. Islamabad was at stand still and so was the whole country. Terrorists were waving their arms openly and threatening to take over the capital. The extremist elements were roaming the nearby streets of the Aabpara, threatening the shop keepers and were trying to establish their own writ. They were harassing people. I also vividly remember that all the TV channels and their anchors including the print media and its columnists were urging and some even bashing the government for its inaction. They were asking government to take action. When government did take the action,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8610293006749717557 Pakistani Blog Posts


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