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The 5 Essential Functions of Business Intelligence

From the Blog telecomnewspk Business intelligence (BI) is a field whose role and methodology were first defined in 1958 by Hans Peter Luhn, an IBM researcher, as "the ability to apprehend the interrelationships of presented facts in such a way as to guide an action toward a desired goal." Originally, business intelligence emphasized decision support systems (DSS) like computer models that assisted in a company's planning and decision-making. Eventually, business intelligence became less about DSS and was understood more as a general concept that housed specific ideas and practices within it, like the support systems, concepts and methods a business could utilize to improve its fact-based decision-making. These days, the term has acquired an even larger space. Due to the increase in available data, businepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8510581587652972801 Pakistani Blog Posts


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