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Forward Towards Hatred and War

From the Blog pkhope The problem with all Jahadi mentality is illiteracy. They are "Jahil" period. 45,000 people have been killed by the terrorists and if you look at the stats you will see that the majority are not from the "minority communities" but are from the majority "Sunni communities". And that is the sad reality. There are no two ways about who the terrorists are and what they want. They have made their stance very clear. It is our leadership who would want to negotiate with them. One wants them to open an office! For what? Are you going to make them your election partners in the next elections? They do not recognize the Pakistani government. Have you not heard for them; "Democracy" is "haram"? So, your elections, your parliament, and the government you are a part off are illegapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3881901237031528298 Pakistani Blog Posts


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