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Sawa 14 August and the Reality

From the Blog kulsoom Before I even start talking about the play, how many of us are planning to move abroad or exploring options to leave Pakistan and settle in a different country? ( you can just nod or acknowledge in your heart . No need to tell me ). The reason why I asked you the question is what jinnah addressed towards the end of the play. He was furious, dishearten, depressed and agitated by what has been going on in the country. Yet he was hopeful that this place will be able to stabilize if the current generation is going to follow the values adopted by their ancestors. He wanted Pakistan to rise again, to flourish again, to be counted among the best places in the world. He wanted us to take the responsibility of this country. You , me , all of us. By the time the play ended, everyone wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 224094816299694367 Pakistani Blog Posts


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