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Pandora box 6 : I discovered Gimp and Photofiltre

From the Blog hameem-hI was a die heart lover of hand drawing and coloring till i encountered paint, gimp and photofiltre. Here are some souvenirs of these days. Enjoy, comment & share. :] Drawn for theatre Just to practice tachniques and discover the possibiliies of Mu special smiley thread :] i like it a lot ! signature ? This status is somewhere near bresia or Bergame in Italy, in front of a huge hospital. How i distorted them :/ Rebon of life drawing colored. TEARS hey hey smile ! reflection copy and pasteeuh? no comment pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

...Of Codicils And Collaborations - The Tazmeen

From the Blog lalioutloudI think it's proper to preface this post with an apology for laziness, tardiness, negligence and all-round faience (I had to look that up, how's that for not being lazy). I've neglected writing a new post for way too long. I could make excuses; some of them pretty valid too, but the underlying cause of not regularly updating the blog has been downright procrastination. I haven't been able to devote the extra time and effort that goes into earmarking the hours that I usually carve out of my once a month weekends. The realization that this temporary hiatus might insidiously turn into something of a permanent rut that might be impossible to get out of has been bothering me for quite some time. Therefore, when the time came for a period of extended leave - 10 days is about as extenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5862611805292224568 Pakistani Blog Posts


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