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India's Self-Inflicted Terror Attacks

From the Blog khudi By S. M. Hali [image: False flag Parliament and Mumbai attacks] Pakistan's position has been vindicated since it has been crying hoarse that India had orchestrated both the 13/12/2001 attack on its parliament and Mumbai attacks of 26/11/2008 but blamed Pakistan for both carnages. The revelation has come from Indian sources. Satish Verma, a member of a Special Investigating Team (SIT) of India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had accused incumbent governments of "orchestrating" the terror attack on Indian Parliament and the 2008 Mumbai attacks, "The Times of India" reported last Sunday 14 July 2013*.*** Following the 13/12 attack on the Indian Parliament, India not only blamed Pakistan for executing the assault but also deployed its troops along the Pakistan border in apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Weight Loss Woes: The Ramadan Chronicles

From the Blog pink255Who else goes absolutely cray cray when they see a plate of pakoras at iftar time? As you guys know, I am on a journey to lose weight and become healthy (it really is a simultaneous process) but man oh … Continue reading → The post Weight Loss Woes: The Ramadan Chronicles appeared first on . [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1402113530634030316 Pakistani Blog Posts


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