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Pakistani Food & Mango Festival Closed with Spectacle Pomp-n-Galore

From the Blog pkhope Friday was the closing day of the 5-day event of Pakistani Food & Mango Festival that was hosted by the Embassy of Pakistan - in Riyadh Palace Hotel-Riyadh. According to an estimate provided by Commercial Attaché Waseem Hayat Bajwa more than 2200 visitors enjoyed with the Pakistani cuisines and the mango delights. The visitors included Saudis and men and women from the Foreign Diplomatic Missions in Riyadh and also many foreigner residents in Riyadh. This was beside a large numbers of Pakistanis who also attended – coming from Riyadh and its adjoining areas. On the closing day top-of-the-line Pakistani cuisines were laid out in a very attractive fashion. Entire hotel lobbies and the pool side open-areas, where the Food & Mango Festival was actually arranged, were tastefully pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2758519240704363242 Pakistani Blog Posts


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