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Fair and Lovely Girls

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Maryam Khan* Being a girl I frequently find myself beset by the question as to why South Asian girls are 'preferred' and/or 'discarded' based on the color of their skin? I was born with a fairer skin tone, and thanks to the hot weather I eventually turned into a tan girl. I never realized being tan was a crime, and I don't think comparisons would be made between me and my female cousins who were fairer. In order to dig out the cause behind this skin-color-based discrimination I accept the fact that we are highly influenced by the western community. "Goray" are the apple of our eyes; we love them so much that we become uncomfortable with our own skin. Girls are the victim of this discrimination – be it a job or a marriage proposal the selection is based on "good looks"pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7972508183727462269 Pakistani Blog Posts


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