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Curses bring the worlds down

From the Blog r2square*I tell you it ain't easy as it sounds* *To pack your feelings and turn around* *First its just bad pain* *A hard blow* *Lots of tears and hurt* *A poison spreading slow* *Then the time passes* *Cruelly ticking on* *Venom reaches your heart* *Poor thing long gone* *So I pack my stuff and leave town* *and sigh as you shut me away* *I won't talk if you ask me to* *But there's one thing I say* *You broke it once you broke it twice* *This time fear the poison heart's vice * *It might be not as easy as it sounds* *But Honey* *Curses have brought worlds down..* [image: Black eye] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2529621653179400210 Pakistani Blog Posts


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