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Challas Girls Enjoying Rain at Home Murdered by Brother

From the Blog pkhope Those innocent and beautiful Pakistani girls in the remote and very backward area of Challas were just enjoying themselves and the weather within the covered courtyard of their own house. One of their relative filmed them on the mobile phones. This happened some six months ago. Somehow, the mobile phone video of those girls got leaked to the social media and became viral. From here starts the dark luck for those girls. As the video became viral and people started sharing it, it ultimately reached to the remote area of Challas too in the public. Boys started sharing it with each other, and the one day, few days back, the step brother of those girls also pleaded to one of his friend to share the video, so he could also enjoy the rain dance of young girls. His excitement evaporpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1995926300463137052 Pakistani Blog Posts


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