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Mohammad Assaf from Gaza - Arab Idol

From the Blog sarahinsouthkorea "Congratulations, Assaf! You've made Gaza and Palestine lift their heads up high," crowed 14-year-old Diana Shams as a young Gazan singer won the popular Arab Idol talent show, sparking rapturous celebrations across the occupied territories. "This is one of the best moments of our lives," she beamed after watching 23-year-old Mohammed Assaf crowned victor on giant screens at a beach-front restaurant in Gaza City called The White House. "We voted in droves for Assaf and now we're seeing the fruit of it," she grinned. "Assaf deserves to be an international artist." The sudden leap to stardom for a refugee from southern Gaza triggered a wave of unrestrained joy among a people more often known for their suffering and troubles. The announcement late on Saturday of Assaf's historic wipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Working mom versus stay-at-home mom

From the Blog mehmudahrehman *Note: The last couple of years have been tough with work, studies, and for the most part, no hired help. Could be why I haven't been blogging as regularly as before. Read my thoughts on the same in this Gulf News column: * (image via source) Work drives me insane. As a matter of fact, it also keeps me sane. What, did I just hear you say you don't quite follow me? Read on, and you'll know exactly what I mean. I've been at both ends of the spectrum. I've played the role of a home-maker (or housewife if you will), a studying mom, and a working mom. I realise there are benefits and drawbacks in each, and each has its own charm. When I wasn't working or studying, the day stretched ahead of me pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog omer-urdu"ایک پتی والا پان تو لگائیو۔۔۔" محمد شوکت عرف شوکی اداس نے پار کرتے ہوئے سڑک کے بیچ سے ہی آواز دی۔ کھوکھے والا بدستور دوسرے گاہکوں کو سگریٹ پان اور ٹھنڈی بوتلیں برتانے میں مصروف رہا۔ "حرامی تیرے کان میں بھی حرام ہے کیا؟ جلدی سے پان لگا ۔۔۔ "شوکی نے اب فٹ پاتھ پر پاؤں دھرتے ہوئے گالی دے کر مخاطب کیا تو کھوکھے والے نے بھی جواباً پہلے منہ پھاڑ کر گالی سے تواضع کی اور پھر کاغذ کی پُڑیا میںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3669042956775817704 Pakistani Blog Posts


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