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Beacon of light for women 2

From the Blog tanveerrauf Bibi *Marīam* radiallahu'anhu Mary ( *Marīam* in Arabic), the mother of Jesus (Essa alaihessalam), is considered one of the most righteous women in the Islamic tradition. She is also the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran. According to the Quran, Essa alaihessalam was born miraculously by the will of Allah without a father. His mother is regarded as an honorable and virtuous woman and is said to have been a virgin. The Quran states clearly that Isa alaihessalam was the result of a virgin birth, but that neither *Marīam *radiallahu'anhu nor her son was divine. In the Quran, no other woman is given more attention than *Marīam *radiallahu'anhuand the Quran states that *Marīam *radiallahu'anhu was chosen above all women: Behold! The angels said: "O *Marīam *! Allah hath chpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 952526041476733894 Pakistani Blog Posts


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