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Monsoons are Here in Korea!

From the Blog sarahinsouthkorea Source I last couple of weeks, we faced blistering heat! Temperatures soar to 34 degrees Centigrade - it is much hotter than in Islamabad because Korea is very humid and we have dry heat back home. It has been raining since last night and Monsoons this year have arrived much earlier. Rain boots, coats and umbrellas are found everywhere. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Faiz sb on the Dream of Pakistan

From the Blog pakteahouse [image: Faiz] By Faiz Ahmed Faiz Almost exactly nine years ago the Muslim people of undivided India adopted Pakistan as their goal of political endeavour. As *the late Quaid-e-Azam repeatedly explained, the Muslim declaration for Pakistan was not a declaration of war against the non-Muslim majority in the sub-continent. It was, on the other hand, a declaration of peace. It was merely intended to end the vertical division that separated the two major peoples of the sub-continent wherever they resided, by a horizontal division so that the divided halves could each develop an internal harmony that the undivided whole lacked. It was hoped that once this harmony had been attained the two halves would live happily ever after.* The dream is as yet unfulfilled. The division has come pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1234574616765457061 Pakistani Blog Posts


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