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Restructuring Bureaucracy

From the Blog paknews Bureaucracy has a very crucial role in the governance itself because we cannot de-link the state from the governance process. An efficient bureaucracy is imperative to advance good governance. The primary function of bureaucracy is the execution and enforcement of the laws made by the legislature and policies decided by the political executive. Besides this the other important functions are: carrying out administration, offering policy advice, articulating interests, and maintaining political stability. To run the administration of a country nicely, a band of capable officers—efficient, prompt, just and sympathetic—belonging to different disciplines of civil services are required.* *In Pakistan, bureaucracy has always been an elite service. The bureaucrats are rich, highly privpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

10 Lessons Learned from Election 2013 in Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope Post-election hubbub is in high pitches as usual magnified higher by the ever-excited and breaking-news crazy electronic media of Pakistan. Victory celebrations, rigging allegations. angling and tilting of different media person towards different parties, hopes from the upcoming government and secret wishes of some for it to fail as quickly as possible are no different from the previous elections held in the land of the pure. Laughing, weeping, sit-ins, and other usual post-elections stuff will go on but we must see that what's the take away from this massive exercise which is nonetheless a feat for the nation. Other third world countries don't really manage to get this grand thing right, and even in establishment democracies holding an election is not something to be taken lpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4965421402853001980 Pakistani Blog Posts


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