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My Dear Pakistan.

From the Blog raafay-awan *Written By: Ramsha Shahid (Australia)* Dear country leaving you was not easy As I walk along a strange street I miss how yours used to be Crazy loud and lively by intimacy of bodies The sweat of people which you used to greet The hard labor whom you used to daily meet The birds humming above your head Making noises which were so lovely The dust lying here and there Making each one of sneeze A horn here and a horn there by the rushing cars passing by The crash boom bang of traffic by one side The aroma of kebab by another The giggles of ladies covered in veil as they gossiped by The shouting of salesman dealing with the price You are missed for being crazy loud and lively No wonder a beautiful scene you have always been Dear country leaving you was justpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8148803009921352748 Pakistani Blog Posts


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