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Window 8.1 may skip out latest Touch Screen Update

From the Blog cheers4all . Windows 7 made a revolutionary start and became one of the most famous and human friendly operating system ever created at the planet earth, the age of Windows 7 marked the start of dawn of a new age for Microsoft's operating system. Microsoft planned to initiate the revolutionary start with a bang and decided [...] The post Window 8.1 may skip out latest Touch Screen Update appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I am the key to your freedom

From the Blog sajshiraziYou love your freedom – freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of choices in life. Well I am the key to your personal liberties. In the new found age of enlightenment the attention that I used to have earlier … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Never Sell Your Jewellery, House for Any Political Party or Person

From the Blog pkhope Instead of exploiting poor Pakistanis for money, the political and religious parties should get into power and squeeze the money out of all those looters, plunderers, tax evaders, loan defaulters, feudal, multi-plot owner generals, lavish journalists, and holy judges. Asking money from poor Pakistanis like beating the badly injured horse to death. Whether its the fund of Naya Pakistan of PTI, or its the Qarz Utaro Mulk Sanwaro scheme of PML-N or appeal of Tahir ul Qadri, they all are farcical and uncalled for. Why in the world beg from the people? Just because its easy. These parties should focus on taking hard decisions and difficult steps in resurrecting and improving the economy. Fiscal discipline, professionalism, and robust economic policies are hallmark of collecting apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

I Was A Cat In The Previous Life

From the Blog furreekattHave you ever sat and thought about the possibility of there being a previous life? If so, have you wondered what you were in that life? No? ... Well, okay. (I guess this proves that I'm the only weirdo hanging around on Blogspot.) Anyway. A number of strange incidents have taken place which have got me thinking. MAYBE I'M NOT WEIRD, MAYBE THIS IS ALL THE INFLUENCE OF THE PREVIOUS LIFE ON MY EXISTENCE! (Don't laugh at me.) What was I in the previous life, though? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm pretty sure I was a *cat*. Yes, a cat. I'm sure most of you expected this, considering the fact that *you read the title of this post* before reading this line. So stop lauding yourselves on your guesswork skills, please. And what exactly are these incidents that make me sure that I was a capakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 256873513131621819 Pakistani Blog Posts


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