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America's "invisible victims"

From the Blog mtrtmk Trading Democracy for 'National Security' The invisible victims are the women and children and innocent men who the United States continues to kill in places like tribal regions in Pakistan, in Yemen, in Somalia, in Afghanistan, at times in the Philippines. Places throughout the Muslim world where the United States sends flying robots. We never hear about who those people are. And you can contrast it with the few instances in which the United States is attacked, we learn the names of the victims, we know their lives, we hear from how their family members are grieving, we never hear any of that in terms of the children, the women, and innocent men whom we kill. In the Muslim world and it's sort of an "out of sight, out of mind" dynamic whereby not hearing about them, we never thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7826787080724059922 Pakistani Blog Posts


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