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The 99s in Karachi

From the Blog borderlinegreen The Karachi test of 1973 arrived and could not have done so sooner. It was the first international match at the National Stadium in over 2 years. In the previous match of the series, at Niaz Stadium Hyderabad, Greig and Knott had batted almost two sessions to save England on the last day. We all had felt very frustrated to see England escape once more. To us luck was a rare commodity. We had been waiting for victory since Oval 1954. So anticipation was high for the 3rd test of the series. The pitch, as is often the case in Karachi, was bare and dead. One looked at it and said runs. Majid (Captain) sent Pakistan in and Sadiq and Talat gave a good start. Later Majid and Sadiq (89), and then Majid and Mushtaq carried Pakistan to a good score. Those who have followed Majid's carpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Election Update – 17th April, 2013

From the Blog pakteahouse - *ECP warns candidates against seeking votes on religion or ethnic grounds* The ECP has announced that candidates who seek votes on the basis of religion or ethnicity will be sentenced to three years in prison. The ECP, in a communiqué issued on Wednesday, said that prison terms would also be handed to candidates who use bribery as a means to gain votes. "Three-year jail terms will also be awarded for casting fake votes and stopping others from voting." It said that transporting individuals to polling stations other than family members is also prohibited, and candidates who violated these instruction would also be awarded three-year jail terms. Presiding officers have been given on-the-spot authority to take action against those violating these laws. Moreover, on thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3582918426159179698 Pakistani Blog Posts


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