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Sublime and Sinister

From the Blog awaisaftabThere is a spiritual impulse in humans, to seek meaning and transcendent value, and it can manifest as a humble and sublime philosophy... At the same time, there is a rabid religious impulse, steeped in dogma, which takes the former impulse hostage and suffocates it. Religion is both sublime and sinister, because man is both sublime and sinister. No religion that is blind to its own darkness can hope to transcend it. Blindness, unfortunately, comes all too easy. The world is steeped in ignorance and well-meaning individuals striving to change that are prone to forget their own submersion in the same. The world is too certain and too far from truth. It is too certain in its assertions and its negations. It needs more self-doubt. This intellectual humility, however, is a virtue, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6428310276371183839 Pakistani Blog Posts


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