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Bringing Change

From the Blog pakteahouse By Kashif Ali During the election campaign, the favorite most mantra of every politician seems to be: "bring change". This mantra is international in its appeal and you can use it anywhere in the world. You can be a new and emerging leader, or an old one, you just have to use this statement to fool the public. But does simple repeating the mantra really bring the purported change? NO!! is my answer. You choose yours. I would like to share a personal experience. During my lunch with Warren Buffett, I asked him a very important question: "Buffett, if you have to change Pakistan, what would you do?" He looked at me for few minutes, laughed and said: "Kashif, I cannot do anything for Pakistan" To this I retorted: "You have invested billions in China and in many other countripakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1743270035170654407 Pakistani Blog Posts


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