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Four Witnesses and Quran 24:5

From the Blog pakteahouse Many laws enacted today in the name of Islam in Pakistan and elsewhere have caused immense harm to minorities, freedom of religion and to women's rights. One specific outrage is when women who have been raped are punished on the counter-accusation of adultery. Critics of Islam claim that Quran 24:5 is the root cause of this problem which requires a victim to provide four witnesses for proof of her claim. The following discussion shows that even a textual interpretation of the said verse should refute both the critics and the outrageous requirement placed on women. Consider the following scenario: A woman X accuses a man Y of raping her. In an 'Islamic' court the legal counsel of Y asks her to produce the 4 witnesses (who do not exist) to prove her case. As she cannot presentpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9090851127284836944 Pakistani Blog Posts


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