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09:10 calls it a day

From the Blog smacula [image: image] With the announcement of Google Reader retiring, it is as if different services on the internet are following suit. Talking of different services, who remembers Like many who were new on the Twitter train, I jumped on the train too, which provided people with the guilty pleasure of asking their own friends awkward questions anonymously. It was a fad, and it got quite big, but I think after a few months, most people started to find it boring and it stopped. Other services such as Tumblr and got into the act, and Formspring was forgotten. So we weren't surprised when we received an email from them, saying they are hanging their gloves on the 31st of March, allowing different users up to the 15th of April to export their accountpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2585279351643865013 Pakistani Blog Posts


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