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Pakistani App Release: Duddoo aur Dhobi

From the Blog smacula I got an interesting email the other day from a Pakistani company called JugnooMedia. In a world full of apps, somehow the slice for little kids and toddlers is still void of many popular ones. They have come up with an app which focuses on local Urdu (and Hindi) nursery rhymes and provides an interactive experience for kids. It has been released for iPhones and iPads, and is coming soon to Android. I have asked a few of our readers and friends to try the app out, since we do not have an iPhone to play with at the moment, and we'll update you on the feedback as we get it. Following is the complete media release: *Duddoo Aur Dhobi Released: Local app to make South Asian content fun for kids* *Lahore, Pakistan – February 26, 2013 - JugnooMedia has released a mobile app titlepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6663808728510331653 Pakistani Blog Posts


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