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Air Travel tips to make your journey memorable

From the Blog naseerahmadTravel by air can be exciting. It can also be a nightmare. The key to enjoyable travelling is to be prepared. For those who have little, or no, experience travelling by air here are some air travel tips to make your journey a memorable one. Travel Light Check your luggage if you are travelling international. [...] Other related articles ... - Health Tips : 8 Effective Cold Prevention Strategies - The correct way to drink water - Tips to be a Better Mother - Best tips for perfect health - Confidence in company's own software pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

" the dream makers"

From the Blog dannish-dannish He being in the hospital was one part of the story. He was requiring oxygen, antibiotics and care of his wounds. In war, wounds are the souvenirs of one's presence where flesh meets metal, and where strength of flesh makes history. Disease does eat flesh like wars but those who remain living to tell the story may not know those who took care of them while fallen by war or disease. The most unsung heroes are the medical aides doing their jobs; cleaning bodily discharges, moving when required, talking when no one else available. They care for patients in their respective roles while medications doing there things, time taking its course, wounds showing of and hope flickering at the cross roads of life and death. They are the part of the dream makers, caring for a patient with thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6837133119368856170 Pakistani Blog Posts


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