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Jugnoo Media releases "Duddoo Aur Dhobi"

From the Blog greenwhite There is a dearth of apps for kids and toddlers focusing on Urdu language. So its always feels great when an organization makes an effort to address this small niche market. We have companies like Qurtaba who made some great small apps on iPhone and iOS, and then ToffeeTv generated some great content for kids in Urdu available on web. Now we have Jugnoo Media working on promoting Urdu and Urdu apps for kids and Toddlers. They have released an app for iPad and iPhone, its called Duddoo Aur Dhobiwhich is a combination of two Urdu Poems and presented in a very fun and attractive, interactive poem. Kids get to sing along the poem while interacting with characters and things on screen. The voice over is fun and my 6 year daughter has been singing the poem since morning, not be lefpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2545303758815299179 Pakistani Blog Posts


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