Toxic Effects of Inferiority Complex in Pakistan (III)
From the Blog umertoor Read part I and part II. *In South Africa there are two million whites against almost thirteen million native people, and it has never occurred to a single black to consider himself superior to a member of the white minority.* – Frantz Fanon *The feeling of inferiority of the colonized is the correlative to the European's feeling of superiority. Let us have the courage to say it outright: It is the racist who creates his inferior.* – Frantz Fanon (First quote of Fanon really shook our spines to the core. This thought has never occurred to us! We must confess. Ask yourself. The second one is a 'proven' psychological fact.) There's an undeniable existence of self-hatred, self-pity and total disregard for our Way (cultural and above all religious) present in many of us, especialpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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