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From the Blog maryamreza*Written by an anonymous friend.* We all have begun to realize that we aren't that important after all. We grew thinking about the fairy tales where the world would resolve around us and slowly we are adapting to the fact that we hold no significance. Nobody is going to write our praises when we die, nobody is going to remember what we said or did. We aren't leaders; we aren't the people we always idolized. We are ordinary human beings. Ordinary, and hence astoundingly disposable. We now are aware of how easily we can be replaced. We have begun to realize that butterflies aren't beautiful and rainbow on a sunny day isn't perfection. we are opening up to the possibility that there is a chance, a slight chance that god doesn't like us after all and maybe this existence and us bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7340168139249320646 Pakistani Blog Posts


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