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It's A Good Time To Fall In Love

From the Blog blog.absarshah - Do not fall in love. All it amounts to is merely a little more wisdom – stretched across such pain that it seems like an eternity and forever still to go on. Stretched across such moving emotions that every bruise on the heart seems to bleed sile… . Read Full PostComments

Apple Drops the "Most Powerful Mapping Service Ever" Claim

From the Blog blog.awahid - →Apple's CEO Tim Cook has honestly admitted that Apple Maps isn't as good as competing mapping services but the Apple website made a slightly contradictory claim. It said:Designed by Apple from the ground up, Maps gi… . Read Full PostComments

Get Mobilink Number with 03000 Series

From the Blog propakistani - Mobilink has announced the availability of a new series from its 0300 lot, the prestigious numbering plan from its early days, the 03000 numbers. Mobilink has said that it will be giving away one million new numbers from 03000 series, with no mention of special pricing for the series. However, it is assumed that special [...] To read more, click: Get Mobilink Number with 03000 Series ProPakistani.PK . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

شور ہے ہر طرف سحاب سحاب

From the Blog mbilal-azam - شور ہے ہر طرف سحاب سحاب ساقیا! ساقیا! شراب! شراب آبِ حیواں کو مَے سے کیا نسبت! پانی پانی ہے اور شراب شراب! رند بخشے گئے قیامت میں شیخ کہتا رہا حساب حساب اک وہی مستِ با خبر نکلا جس کو کہتے تھے سب خراب خراب مجھ سے وجہِ گناہ جب پوچھی سر جھکا کے کہا شباب شباب جام گرنے لگا، تو بہکا شیخ تھامنا ! تھامنا! کتاب! کتاب! کب وہ آتا ہے سامنے کشفی جس کی ہر اک ادا حجاب حجاب (کشفی ملتانی) . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

India's first NSA Brajesh Mishra passes away

From the Blog paknews - [image: Brajesh Mishra] India's first NSA Brajesh Mishra passes away India's first National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra passed away on Friday night at the age of 83 in New Delhi. He was suffering from heart ailment for some time. His last rites will be held on Monday in the national capital. His father, Dwarka Prasad Mishra, was a former Congress chief minister of Madhya Pradesh and had been considered close to Indira Gandhi. Barjesh Mishra played a pivotal role in the foreign policy matters and the issues relating to domestic and international policies. He pushed for the deepe . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2107691061219162730 Pakistani Blog Posts


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