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Pink Baby Set

From the Blog Ummeyusuf - > Pink Baby Set — This was one deceptive little (!?!) project. Despite being for a toddler, it required almost as much work as an adult sweater.� But I think it is worth the effort as it turns out so cute.I made a similar one for my older daughter in my pre-blog era. It was a big hit. The... . Read Full PostComments

the bitter sweet break

From the Blog saadil - > the bitter sweet break — The absence from blog was filled by sounds, the crash bang sound of a speeding car hitting my bike, dragging me a bit then shoving me to the wayside and still miraculously not killing me. The doctors too wondered how could I not sustain fractures and all. There were abrasions,... . Read Full PostComments 445340277587392724 Pakistani Blog Posts


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