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Another Beginning

From the Blog uni-aza - > Another Beginning — AssalamualaikumThis was always going to be a year of change. I knew that. A year back (lol). But I wasn't prepared for the extremity of the new-ness.I now sit in a different room, a different house, a different neighbourhood, a different city and a different country.A different... . Read Full PostComments

The Third Intifada Is Inevitable

From the Blog iabhopal - > The Third Intifada Is Inevitable — EARLIER this month, at a private meeting with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his security advisers, a group of Middle East experts and former intelligence officers warned that a third Palestinian intifada was imminent. The immediate catalyst, they said,... . Read Full PostComments

Hands-On With Purported Fully Assembled External Housing...

From the Blog RedmondPie - > Hands-On With Purported Fully Assembled External Housing... — Not even Apple themselves could have predicted the influence that the iPhone would have on the world when it was first launched in 2007. Obviously the company knew that they had created something special, but if asked to answer honestly, it is highly unlikely that anyone involved... . Read Full PostComments 2104827387017415637 Pakistani Blog Posts


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