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'This is a new Pakistan. Catch up, gentlemen': Ambassador...

From the Blog rupeenews - > 'This is a new Pakistan. Catch up, gentlemen': Ambassador... — "This is a new Pakistan. Catch up, gentlemen." This is Ambassador Rehman's memorable retort that will live with us for years Brave Sherry Rehman defends Pakistan like a ferocious Tigress. We have not see this sort of smart responses since the days of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. The... . Read Full PostComments

5 Tips to Boost Your iOS 5 Experience

From the Blog tips-o-tricks - > 5 Tips to Boost Your iOS 5 Experience — The iOS is updated so frequently that a lot of people often miss important new features that they could use to improve their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch experience. The latest updates to iOS 5.0 and 5.1 add some great usability and productivity options to iPhone 4S and iPad 3....... . Read Full PostComments

Samsung GALAXY S III I9300 Review and Specification

From the Blog MobiRevolution - > Samsung GALAXY S III I9300 Review and Specification — Samsung GALAXY S III I9300 Review and Specification Samsung GALAXY S III Designed for humans Samsung GALAXY S III just gets us. Little things, like staying awake when you look at it and keeping track of loved ones. designed for humans, it goes beyond smart and fulfills your... . Read Full PostComments

اے بندے

From the Blog theajmals - > اے بندے — اے بندے کیا تم اس زندگی میں اپنی مرضی سے آئے تھے ؟ کیا تم اپنی مرضی سے اس دنیا کو چھوڑ کے جاؤ گے ؟ تم اچھی طرح جانتے ہو کہ " نہیں " پھر کیوں تم اپنی اس زندگی کو اُس اللہ کی مرضی کے مطابق نہیں ڈھالتے جس کی مرضی سے تم . Read Full PostComments

Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 mobile Review and Specification

From the Blog MobiRevolution - > Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 mobile Review and Specification — Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 mobile Review and Specification Samsung Galaxy Ace Duos S6802 Always On with GALAXY Ace DUOS You always go 100% - whether you're at work or at play. That's why you'll settle for nothing less than Samsung's GALAXY Ace Duos! It's got the same sophisticated... . Read Full PostComments

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Review

From the Blog RedmondPie - > Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Review — Google means business with Android these days. That's not to say it didn't before, but since the company's Google I/O conference recently it has become clear that the people at Google are beginning to understand what it takes to make a premium smartphone. It's not apps, and... . Read Full PostComments 4135836934541735752 Pakistani Blog Posts


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