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Wasu aur Mein Episode 5 on Geo Tv

From the Blog blogspot - [image: Wasu-Aur-Mein-Episode-mastitime[19]] Here is the episode 5 of most anticipated and highly promoted new show of Geo TV Network, Wasu aur Mein featuring Shehzad Roy along with Wasu (the Baloch guy) showing us interesting things via this new show. Watch below Episode 5 of Wasu aur Mein: The docudrama ""Wasu aur Main"" follows the travels of Shehzad Roy, a Pakistani musician and Wasu Khan, a villager from Baluchistan. Brought together by their common passion for music, Shehzad and Wasu realize that they have a lot to learn from each other. Wasu's unique perspective on Pakistan's hi . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How to Keep Hackers Away While Shopping Online

From the Blog propakistani - [image: image thumb4 How to Keep Hackers Away While Shopping Online] *By Irfan Siddiqui** * Gone are the days when you had to stand in long queues to buy movie tickets or go store from store to get the apparels for the birthday bash of friend. The cyber world has brought along with it, great sense of freedom and comfort. But at the same time, it has opened up new gateways for hackers to enjoy a treat in the holiday seasons. The perfect targets of the hackers are the guys who know the least about internet security and rather turn up becoming the victims of the worst scams of the onl . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

A New Day Is Dawning for the Technology Market

From the Blog blogspot - [image: A New Day Is Dawning for the Technology Market] Just given history, it is unlikely we'll exit the decade with Apple at the top of the pile, and the company that will replace it has yet to be identified. I think Google wants this position more than most, but my expectation is it will eventually get nuked by some government it has pissed off. Granted, the current administration still appears to be giving the firm a pass. I guess having Al Gore on your board does have its benefits. *Free E-Mail News Alerts from ECT News Network* Keep up with the latest breaking business and techn . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3670990010424405683 Pakistani Blog Posts


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