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Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani convicted for contempt...

From the Blog chowrangi - > Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani convicted for contempt... — Yousuf Raza Gilani made history today by becoming the first Prime Minister of Pakistan who is convicted by the Supreme Court while still in office. Today, the Prime Minister was found guilty for contempt of court, over his refusal to obey an order to write to the authorities... . Read Full PostComments

Shivaji's letter to Aurangzeb

From the Blog pakteahouse - > Shivaji's letter to Aurangzeb — I was forwarded this letter from Shiva Ji to Aurangzeb excerpted from chhatrapati Shivaji by Setu Madhavrao Pagadi . I am not certain of the historical veracity per se but this letter makes very interesting reading and should serve as a timeless reminder to our rulers as well.... . Read Full PostComments

Will Gilani Show Grace?

From the Blog pkhope - > Will Gilani Show Grace? — Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, who was found guilty in a contempt of court case has refused to... Read More at . Read Full PostComments

Djuice & Qualcomm conduct mobile app development workshop...

From the Blog telecompk - > Djuice & Qualcomm conduct mobile app development workshop... — A series of free mobile application development workshops has been launched by Djuice for university students. Qualcomm has joined hands with Djuice to encourage app development in Pakistan. The aim of these workshops is to help students prepare for a competition which was launched... . Read Full PostComments

My Day

From the Blog MySojourn----- - Rushing towards office I see my bones are cracking up and screaming not to enter the room but somehow I managed to enter inside. In front of my eyes they somehow have poured a curtain; all I can see is dimness of time and people moving away and coming inside. I see their shoes; check if they had time to clean the dust over them; then I move towards my screen. I click here and there. And I click again. The voice of which is like swaying a sword into my ears but it's important to check if my mind is active otherwise I pledge to start my next day better and that's how life moves on. . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The rise of an Empire: Malik Riaz, DHA & HRL

From the Blog liberalfacist - So you think the writ of the state is being challenged? You dont have to go far. Just venture down the Islamabad highway and the G.T. Road as you exit the Rawalpindi cantonment and private actors have already ceded from the state. The powers that be, Malik Riaz, the military through DHA, HRL and land grabbers have become a powerful cartel that has virtually surrounded the twin cities from one side and continue to expand. Supposedly all of this is under the guise of national development, enterprise, Western style living, thanking ex-Army officers for their services and making world cl . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Coca Cola Branding Strategy at London Olympics 2012

From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog - Coca Cola is one of the key sponsors of London Olympics 2012. Tough for Pepsi, they will gain massive mileage during the 17 days event. As a branding strategy, Coke has always associated its brand with the feeling of togetherness and joy. How could they let go this opportunity that comes after five years! After all Olympics is one of the biggest sports events in the world. Coca Cola as its branding strategy for London Olympics 2012 have created a commercial "*Move to the Beat*". This commercial was unveiled by on 15 February 2012 (check the video at the bottom of this post). Some of yo . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog kiranashraf - Once brothers and now Sindhi, Balochi, Mohajir, Pathan, Saraiki and the list goes on. Look how we have changed....... Open your eyes people and crush those who are propagating to identify you by your ethinicity rather then PAKISTANI . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

New SAP Managing Director for Pakistan and the Emerging Markets

From the Blog globalnewsbulletin - TweetThe New EMD of SAP Pakistan will assume official duties in April with the goal to take the region's performance to the next level SAP Pakistan recently announced the appointment of Darren Rush worth as Executive Managing Director of SAP Pakistan and the Emerging Markets. The appointment comes into effect from April 01, 2012. Tim [...] . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

پولیو قطرے

From the Blog darveshkhurasani - آج کل پولیو کے قطروں کے بارئے میں انتہائی گہما گہمی نظر آرہی ہے ۔صوبہ خیبر پختون خواہ کے چیف جسٹس کا حکم ہے کہ جو بھی بندہ کیس لے کر عدالت آئے گا تو اسکے پاس اپنے بچوں کو پولیو قطرئے پلانے کا سرٹیفیکیٹ بھی پیش کرنا ضروری ہے۔ اسکے ساتھ ڈی سی اوز [...] . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6975477466982993088 Pakistani Blog Posts


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