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The Sketches-Jono Manson Project Khahori Teaser

From the Blog pakium - By Danish MughalTeaser of The Sketches Project Khahori with Jono MansonListen the first teaser of the project:More Details about the ProjectIn the fall of 2011 Jono Manson was contacted by Saif Samejo, lead singer of the S… . Read Full PostComments

Why Freud Matters

From the Blog awaisaftab - In this article at NYT, Benjamin Y. Fong talks about what he thinks is of value in Freud's psychoanalysis, and that if psychoanalysis experiences a cultural death, then something of worth would be lost. He identifies this insight as:'… the … . Read Full PostComments

Pleasure Centered?

From the Blog mzahoor - Pleasure Centered? . Read Full PostComments

لاؤڈ اسپیکر کا استعمال!

From the Blog pensive-man - > لاؤڈ اسپیکر کا استعمال! — ایک دور تھا عالم دین اس رائے پر اختلاف کا شکار تھے کہ آیا لاؤڈ اسپیکر کا استعمال جائز ہے یا نہیں اور ابتدا میں تو وہ صرف مسجد میں اس کا استعمال خطیب کے خطبہ تک محدود رکھتے تھے مگر بعد میں جب دوبارہ دنیاوی تعلیم رکھنے والوں نے دین کی طرف رغبت کی . Read Full PostComments

Ab Ham Aise Gum Hue - Bulleh Shah

From the Blog qawwal - > Ab Ham Aise Gum Hue - Bulleh Shah — Ab ham aise gum hue, Prem nagar ke shehrApne aap nun sudh rahe hein, Na sir, hath, na pairKhoi khudi apna perchhita, Tab hoi gal khaberBullah shah, hai dohi jehane, koi na na dasda ghair ~Bulleh Shah Recital by Wadali Brothers ---trans:Now I am lost in the abode of the BelovedSearching... . Read Full PostComments

Developer Finds A Way To Downgrade iOS 5.1 To iOS...

From the Blog RedmondPie - > Developer Finds A Way To Downgrade iOS 5.1 To iOS... — iH8sn0w, the well known iOS developer and researcher who is responsible for the production of Sn0wbreeze, iFaith, iReb and f0recast has been hard at work again trying to resolve an issue that has been tainting the experience of owners of the iPhone 4S and iPad 2. The said two... . Read Full PostComments

Lovely Logics

From the Blog iabhopal - > Lovely Logics — 1. Make peace with your past So it doesn't spoil your present. 2. What others think of you Is none of your business. 3. Time heals every thing Give the Time, some time. 4. No one is the reason of your happiness Except you yourself. 5. Don't compare your life with others You... . Read Full PostComments 4026180366904293720 Pakistani Blog Posts


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