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پاکستان کے نئے کوچ کا فیصلہ کر لیا گیا، اعلان دورۂ بنگلہ دیش کے بعد ہوگا

From the Blog cricnama - گزشتہ چند ماہ سے پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ میں اعلیٰ ترین عہدوں کے لیے تقرریاں ہو رہی ہیں جن میں چیئرمین کی سرفہرست آسامی کے علاوہ دیگر کئی عہدے بھی شامل ہیں تاہم ٹیم کے لیے سب سے اہم معاملہ نئے کوچ کی تقرری ہے۔ اس سلسلے میں پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ نے کوچ تلاش کمیٹی بھی [...] . Read Full PostComments

Worship your iPhone

From the Blog chewythoughts - Worship your iPhone 06 December 2011 � � Technology Here's some of my very recent s which are a sort of prelude to what I am going to rant about: The most obscene thing about new technology is the fact that people don’t utilize it to its fullest potential. The only way to thank technology for making our lives easier is to devise super Read the complete post at: Chewy Thoughts � . Read Full PostComments


From the Blog taimoor - Project 06 December 2011 � � Interests and Hobbies Couple of days back there was a ticker on the WordPress Dashboard urging me to buy a domain through them and mapping it to my current blog. A passing glance at that and with a slight push from Munir today I have managed to register for both domain and hosting. Apparently, my blog is now Read the complete post at: Mind Storm � . Read Full PostComments

Idiocy in South Asia

From the Blog FiveRupees - Idiocy in South Asia 05 December 2011 � � Technology Exhibit A: You would think that a country with an information technology sector with revenues in excess of $75 billion would have a government which knows how the internet works. But you would be wrong. Please check out what Kapil Sibal, India’s Telecom Minister, is demanding of Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft: About six weeks Read the complete post at: Asian Correspondent » Ahsan Butt � . Read Full PostComments 7954443178068839608 Pakistani Blog Posts


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