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لوح مزار :نصیحت

From the Blog ashrafiya - لوح مزار :نصیحت 30 September 2011 � � Miscellaneous ] كار ساز ما به فكر كار ماست      فكر ما در كار ما آزار ماست � Syndicated from: ASHRAFIYA Read the complete post at: ASHRAFIYA � . Read Full PostComments

Analysis: Pakistan's Double-Game: Treachery or Strategy?

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace - Analysis: Pakistan's Double-Game: Treachery or Strategy? 30 September 2011 � � Miscellaneous By John Chalmers for Reuters Washington has just about had it withPakistan. “Turns out they are disloyal, deceptive and a danger to the United States,” fumed Republican Representative Ted Poe last week. “We pay them to hate us. Now we pay them to bomb us. Let’s not pay them at all.” For many in America, Read the complete post at: Pakistanis for Peace � . Read Full PostComments

دماغ کيلئے نقصان دہ عادات

From the Blog theajmals - دماغ کيلئے نقصان دہ عادات 30 September 2011 � � Miscellaneous 1 ۔ ناشتہ نہ کرنے يا بہت دير سے کرنے سے خون ميں شکر کی سطح معمول سے کم ہو جاتی ہے جس کے نتيجہ ميں دماغ کو افزائشی مواد ميں کمی ہو جاتی اور دماغ ميں بگاڑ پيدا ہوتا ہے 2 ۔ زيادہ کھانے سے دماغ کی Read the complete post at: What Am I میں کیا ہوں ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ � . Read Full PostComments

Five Simple Ways to Help Your Preschooler Learn Responsibility

From the Blog HousewifesUtopia - It's never too early to start teaching your child how to be a responsible person. In fact, getting an early start makes it second nature for your child to do their share, show respect and be mindful of the needs of those around them.... . Read Full PostComments

Never Judge a Book by Its Cover..

From the Blog mqpasta - Received from Mr. Humayun Quereshi As she stood in front of her primary 5 class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her pupils and said that she loved them all the same. However, that wa... . Read Full PostComments

All you wanted to know about General Kiyani's cigarettes but were afraid to ask

From the Blog AReluctantMind - Because I am slightly odd, I have friends who also veer in the same direction and the conversations we have are also of not you garden or average variety. Last night AB and I were having a random chat session and she came up with a couple of peculi... . Read Full PostComments 4693892127535854505 Pakistani Blog Posts


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