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Amsterdam – A Beautiful Poem

From the Blog gypsy-therebirth - After the food, they started playing a local Dutch song. The local crowd started singing in unison. "I don't understand it." I said to Mariah who was sitting next to me and listening to the song silently. "But it sounds really nice." "I wi... . Read Full PostComments

Al Ma'oon – Small Kindnesses

From the Blog natashasuleman - Surah Alma'oon translated as Small Kindnesses is the 107th chapter of the glorious Quran. Here's the Pickthall translation of the chapter. In the name of Allah 1. Hast thou observed him who belieth Religion? 2. That is he who repelleth … Continu... . Read Full PostComments

What do real men do?

From the Blog eddyishere - "I begin with the name of Allah, the most merciful". Article first published as What do real men do? on Technorati. Being a man is not only about being the stronger gender of the two but also the more responsible one. With men having an... . Read Full PostComments

The Tablet War Begins (or Ends) Now

From the Blog blog.awahid - The year 2011 has been defined by industry analysts as the year of tablet market consolidation. But despite the arrival of exciting new products the Apple iPad firmly will continue to dominate the sales charts. . Read Full PostComments

La guerra dei tablet è persa in partenza

From the Blog blog.awahid - Il 2011 è stato definito come l'anno del consolidamento del mercato dei tablet. Ma nonostante l'arrivo di nuovi prodotti l'iPad continuerà a dominare saldamente la classifica delle vendite. . Read Full PostComments 8723538450584938822 Pakistani Blog Posts


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