Mobilink Organizes First Ever Female Bloggers Meet-up
From the blog propakistani - Mobilink Organizes First Ever Female Bloggers Meet-up is a post from: ProPakistani A new chapter began in the history of blogging fraternity of Pakistan when Mobilink organized the first ever female bloggers meet-up in Lahore today. The '... . Open Full Post
PTCL Offers for Cricket World Cup host Countries Discount Call Package
From the blog telecomandit - As everyone knows that Cricket World Cup 2011 is started and all telecommunication companies backing up our team and offering many packages related to Cricket World Cup 2011 so PTCL is not less them. Therefore, PTCL offers special discount offer... . Open Full Post
iPhone 5 Body Part Surfaces Thinner Size, Larger Display...
From the blog ijafri - > iPhone 5 Body Part Surfaces Thinner Size, Larger Display... — Today, a purported image of an iPhone 5 body part surfaced on a Chinese reseller website which sells iPhone body parts. The body part which is seen in the photograph (below) is most probably of the digitizer panel of the iPhone 5 front screen. The screen can be given an approximate... . Open Full Post
iPad 2 To Become Available 'Nearly' Immediately
From the blog ijafri - > iPad 2 To Become Available 'Nearly' Immediately — According to latest reports pouring in from the web, Apple has decided to take the most lavish attempt at surprising the journalist and press media, and of course the people also by announcing the almost imminent public release of the iPad 2, when it launches on the 2nd of March... . Open Full Post
Tutorial to disable Multitasking on iPod Touch 3G...
From the blog ijafri - > Tutorial to disable Multitasking on iPod Touch 3G... — As we have already published a tutorial regarding disable multitasking, But it does not work on iPod 3G or 4G. So here is a guide to disable multitasking on these Devices. Both of these iDevices share something common between them. Because on both of the iDevices Multitasking... . Open Full Post
[Pictory] A graveyard of boats!
From the blog pamirtimes - > A graveyard of boats! — Image: Asghar Khan . Open Full Post
The Days of "friendly" Opposition and Unfriendly Partnership...
From the blog pakteahouse - > The Days of "friendly" Opposition and Unfriendly Partnership... — Raza Habib Raja In an expected move the PPP and PML (N) have finally estranged thus marking the end of a unique period of "cooperation". Although there were undercurrents of rivalry through this time period but nevertheless it was a … Continue reading → . Open Full Post
Lahore school in the Exam Mode
From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics - > Lahore school in the Exam Mode — Amilia Sohail The midterm exam week calms down the otherwise hyper active campus life. It seems there are very few people around, consequent of the midterm exam week at the Lahore School. Students busy studying for their exams. We spotted large number of students in the in the... . Open Full Post
براوو عالمی کپ سے باہر؛ ویسٹ انڈیز پریشان
From the blog cricnama - براوو عالمی کپ سے باہر؛ ویسٹ انڈیز پریشان 26 February 2011 Miscellaneous عالمی کپ 2011ء میں ویسٹ انڈیز کے اگلے مرحلے تک پہنچنے کے امکانات کو زبردست ٹھیس پہنچی ہے اور ان کے اہم ترین کھلاڑی آل راؤنڈر ڈیوائن براوو زخمی ہو کر چار ہفتوں کے لیے ٹیم سے باہر ہو گئے ہیں۔ جنوبی افریقہ کے خلاف کھیلے گئے میچ کے دوران وہ گیند کرانے کے فورا Read the complete post at: کرک نامہ » . Open Full Post
متنازع انٹرویو؛ یاسر حمید پر پابندی و جرمانہ عائد
From the blog cricnama - متنازع انٹرویو؛ یاسر حمید پر پابندی و جرمانہ عائد 26 February 2011 Miscellaneous پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ نے بلے باز یاسر حمید کے ڈومیسٹک کرکٹ کھیلنے پر پابندی عائد کر دی ہے۔ یہ پابندی برطانوی اخبار ‘نیوز آف دی ورلڈ’ کو اسپاٹ فکسنگ تنازع کے بعد دیے گئے انٹرویو کے ضمن میں لگائی گئی ہے۔ اس انٹرویو میں یاسر حمید نیوز آف دی ورلڈ کے رپورٹر کے ساتھ لارڈز Read the complete post at: کرک نامہ » . Open Full Post
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